Autumn is a time of change. Nature changes around us, while our routines change as well with the shorter days, and the transition back to school, extracurricular activities, and the upcoming holidays. It is a beautiful time of year.
But change can be hard, especially for children, who don’t always like the changes in weather and routine that fall brings. Shorter days and the time change can disrupt children’s sleep patterns. Some children dislike adding additional layers and warmer clothes. Those with sensory issues may have opposition to long pants, socks, and heavy shoes. This can create power struggles and tears during the morning rush to get out the door. Some children struggle in adjusting to a new school, class, babysitter, teacher, or have trouble facing holidays if things are not the same as they were last year.
Crossroads Family Counseling Center, LLC is a place that understands about change and transition. We’re actually going through changes ourselves. We have a new website with more information about our practice. Check it out at: www.crossroadsfamilycounselingcenter.com.
We also have two new team members: Darah Curran, LCSW and Denise Booth, LCSW. Darah has experience with working with medically challenged children and their families, as well as with grief and loss issues. Her warmth and guidance to families and children creates a sense of calmness when anxiety and stress are high. Denise has a background working with troubled adolescents. Her strength and confidence help parents and teens succeed with communication issues, rules at home and school, and managing the challenges of being a teenager in today’s world.
All Crossroads Family counselors can offer your family and children support as needed during this season. We specialize in working with children, adolescents and families. We are trained play therapists and use play as a way to create change.
Even though change can be hard change can create new opportunities. Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” –Jim Rohn
We hope that the beautiful Fall weather and change in the colors around you gives you time to enjoy this transition and spend some time outdoors with your children and family.
PLAY ACTIVITY FOR THE MONTH: Check out this article about Autumn-sensory Play. http://play-activities.com/autumnal-sensory-play. It focuses on ideas for touchy-feely, smelly, noisy, visual and tasty autumn activities.