How does their body change when angry?
- Notice change in posture
- Notice hand motions
- Notice facial expression
- Your body is tense from how your hands are clenched
- Your facial expression is showing an angry face
- Your body has some tense energy to release from how your legs are shaking
- do you notice a pattern
- do you notice that they seek sensory input such as hitting, biting, or squeezing an object
- is the child able to label the feeling once calm enough to engage verbally
- Make note of how long it usually takes for the child to calm down to include how their body has gone from tense to relaxed
- can the child identify techniques they use to calm the body when ready to verbally engage
- Your body is relaxed while reading this book
- Your facial expression (face) tells me you are enjoying this game
- Your breathing has gotten louder and quicker